Can Our Planet Survive Capitalism: Economic Growth and Climate Change Part 3

5 years ago

The argument and question, can our planet survive capitalism as I explained previously without market-driven prices the economy leads to chaos as a result of the resource allocation problem that socialism is faced with, otherwise known as the economic calculation problem. In this argument, Francesca Fiorentini managed to pull off this crazy argument against economic growth and climate change in her argument would be solved by overthrowing capitalism.

Lo and behold, surprise, surprise, here we have the typical BBC with ignorant Marxists sitting debating the issue claiming that productivity is killing the planet. I suppose if you're an ignoramus with no understanding of economics then that would sound like a reasonable argument. I mean, what exactly are they arguing for, to take us back to the dark ages?

The BBC is a crying shame because it produces some of the greatest content such as the amazing wildlife programmes with top class videography work, I should know, I'm a photographer and can appreciate the work they do. However, when it comes to politics and economics, this is why all government funding and the forced TV licence should be abolished. The BBC should be forced to work for its money, maybe then it'll start providing for the people of this country.

Even if we were to go along with their argument on economic growth and climate change, how is overthrowing capitalism in the mixed economy going to help matters any? As I explain in this video it would lead to a major catastrophe. It is, therefore, my case that if we wish to improve and protect our environment, it is an argument for capitalism, NOT against capitalism.

As I explained before on the disaster of socialism and its failures relative to the environment, another problem is without a private sector to finance the public sector, where will you get the money from to not only pay their wages in those jobs but also where will the jobs come from? The government destroys more jobs than what it creates.

Socialism is nothing other than an ideology based on religious faith and feelings, it is not based on reason. Like I've argued many times before, profits much like losses are grossly misunderstood and this argument of profits over people sends out the clear message that people like Francesca Fiorentini do not understand profits to begin with as I explain briefly in this video.

The economic consequences we face from their 'Green New Deal' would be catastrophic on a cataclysmic scale that without exaggeration but a simple understanding of history, countless millions in untold numbers would starve to death. At least from my arguments on economic growth and climate change I can provide reasonable arguments like Tony Heller has in his video, which you can also check out.

*The Jerry Brown And Michael Bloomberg Climate Clown Show:*

To quote what the founder of Extinction Rebellion said in his own words to prove this is really just a socialist agenda, here is what he had to say:

"This movement is the best chance that we have of bringing down capitalism. Get on board, induction through the day at Parliament Square. You are Welcome, you are needed."

This was posted in a group tweet on by Extinction Rebellion, if that doesn't tell you their real true agenda, then what does? So, can our planet survive capitalism? The answer is, yes, it most certainly can and without capitalism, human life on this planet would be doomed.

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