The Burden of Guilt

2 years ago

Lenten Service
Based on Genesis 42:6-24
Rev. Scott Johnson

Do you have skeletons in your closet? Are there sins from your past that you definitely do not want people to learn about? Are there sins from long ago that still come back to haunt you at times?
Joseph's brothers sure had some skeletons in their closets. For twenty years they had hidden the truth from their father about what had happened to Joseph. For twenty years they lied about Joseph being killed by a wild animal instead of admitting the truth that out of jealousy they had sold him into slavery. But as they made their way to Egypt to try and get food for their families, they began to be haunted by their sin and they interpreted every bad thing that happened as a sign that God was angry with them.
I have the feeling most of us have had feelings like those too... Do you know what to do when the sins of the past start haunting the present? Tonight in our 7 p.m. Lenten service, I will share the secret of how to overcome those painful memories of sins long ago. Please join us either in person or on our YouTube channel. I think you will be blessed if you do!

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