what I learned from smoking weed. pros and cons, and how I use it specifically for mental health.

3 years ago

Cannabis is a powerful plant that induces an altered state. I find that cannabis brings to the surfaces the internal and subtle problems inside us that go unnoticed. why would we want to make our problems more noticeable? so that we can actually address the issue. it helps make the target bigger. it's my belief that these subtle internal problems play themselves out in our subconscious behavior, so if we can use awareness to deal with these issues at their root we won't have to play them out in our behavior. the way I use cannabis is important I think, I use it infrequently and in combination with specific activities. in this way I can better use it's effects to help me grow as a person instead of becoming a crutch or an habit. Cannabis induced anxiety and paranoia is something I've experienced quite often, each time I have that it is a test for me to use my inner guide. cannabis is something I lean on and use to help me be a better person, it connects me with the way I feel, feelings are something that when I'm unaware I will ignore to my detriment.

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my notes from this episode

I learned how to relax, how to actually enjoy life.
I didn't even know how anxieous I was, untill I got stoned. It teaches me how to go deeper into my life. It opens my mind to what is possible. It's a mind expanding drug, it teaches me to be my self
You have to have your mind right, because every misconception I have of myself will arise. It teaches me how to focus because it becomes hard to focus on more then one thing
It teaches me that I need more groynding practices, because when I am not stoned I am too unaware and need awareness. Weed is the reason I can mediate and do Kundalini. I learned still that it isn't a everyday thing for me, because I become too relaxed and too stoned and then I ignore the physical. For me to have the full effect of weed, it needs to be irregular. But those lines of when to use it is a hard balance to walk. It made me realize that I am devided within myself, and that part of me benefits from weed and part of me doesn't, and that's why it's important to balance.

It seems to activate a part of my brain that makes me hyper aware. It brings up panic and fear, and that fear needs addressed. It's fear that is ignored. Weed is a tool of self discovery.

Dose is important. And so is strain, quality of the grown plant, and everything else that goes into it.
They are emotionally sensitivity plants and they invoke emotion back into us when we uptake it.

It intensifies what is already happening, in ways that we have no control over, but our reaction to these things is what we do control with the power of awareness.

It invokes movement, but sometimes you don't need to be moved. That's why it doesn't work as a daily thing for me. I need the random chaos of life to pick when it is right for me to use it.
Often though our lives in ways become stagnant. For each person their stagnant problems are unique and manifest themselves differently. But for me I start to ignore my physical well being when I become stagnant. When I smoke weed I focus in on what I need for self care. It's a weird paradox where it can give you the tension and chaos you need, and the deep relaxation that you also need. In a way it builds you up and brings you down in a way that is soothing if you allow it to be.

Strains are important, and thats why cannabis is confusing.

Everything is intensified, that's why the intro of pineapple Express is so good.

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