Exulansic Interviews Post-Transitioner Robynne Meguerdjan

2 years ago

I sit down with Robynne Merguerdjan, who underwent medical “transition” surgeries in the 1990s, including top and bottom surgery, in what is colloquially known as the male-to-female direction. Robynne has seen the evolution of the trans medicalist narrative in real time, with a front row seat. Robynne shares with me some of the nightmarish complications of the genitorubix cube surgery. I had not been feeling well so I feel like I look less interested than I actually am in what Robynne has to say about the long-term effects of these procedures, but I am hoping we can collaborate again in the future because I learned a lot from this conversation and we barely scratched the surface.

Since we filmed this, President Biden and Governor Newsom of California have declared monkeypox states of emergency. Please know that monkeypox can spread before you know you’re sick and can continue to spread for several weeks after you are supposedly “no longer contagious” when the sores have fallen off and a new layer of skin is present. They can spread in bodily fluids including semen. You can also have monkeypox and be asymptomatic the entire time, and still potentially be contagious. And they’re sending some kids back to school Monday.

Link to the Harry Benjamin Standards of Care version 1990, to illustrate how it was Western Medicine addressing the "Transsexaul Phenomenon" as per Harry Benjamin (1966 publication; The Julian Press) http://www.genderpsychology.org/transsexual/hbsoc_1990.html

WPATH SOC version 7 please review, it's entirely different--example: https://www.wpath.org/media/cms/Documents/SOC%20v7/SOC%20V7_English2012.pdf?_t=1613669341

American Psychological Association updated-accusatory language: "Gender Competent" & "Not Gender Competent", example: https://www.apa.org/pi/lgbt/resources/gender-diverse-children.pdf

With everything above taken into account, we can deduce that Transgender means Gender Diverse, :https://www.wpath.org/media/cms/Documents/Public%20Policies/2021/Joint%20WPATH%20USPATH%20Letter%20Dated%20Oct%2012%202021.pdf
...and Affirming Care:

...is the Means of Access to Gender diversity, which educators are instructed to encourage children to Explore Gender Expression : https://www.apa.org/ed/schools/primer/gender-identity

Also related: https://depts.washington.edu/dbpeds/healthy-gender-development.pdf

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