🤣LAUGH TO FAINT😹CATs will make you LAUGH all day😹 - Funny Cats Life

2 years ago

Research has proven that petting a cat causes a release of the “love hormone” in humans. The technical term for this neurochemical is oxytocin, a hormone that is released when people fall in love. Oxytocin has also been proven to increase your emotional perception! A cat is a furry animal that has a long tail and sharp claws. Cats are often kept as pets. Cats are lions, tigers, and other wild animals in the same family. To some people, cats are the perfect pet. Intelligent, elegant, calming companions, capable of dealing with their own exercise and cleaning. To others, they are frustratingly independent, cool and aloof. My neighbor brought me a kitten someone had thrown out at another neighbor's house. I have 5 indoor cats ranging from 5 years to 17 years, all rescues. The oldest cat did not like the little one and growled and hissed at it constantly. Callie, age 6 years, hid and I couldn't find her in the house for 5 days. I finally got to the pet store and got the Feliway multicat diffuser. After about 6 hours, Callie came out of hiding and Little Bit stopped growling. Everyone is relaxed and getting along. The little one even stopped attacking my hands and biting me. I now have peace in my home thanks to Feliway!
In spite of their sometimes nonchalant behavior, cats really do love us. They just show it in different ways.

Even though cats may feel love and affection, they can’t show their emotions with kisses and hugs the way humans do. Nor do they wag their tails, lick people or jump up on their favorite humans like dogs tend to.

Instead, cats cuddle up on laps, rub their heads on those they love and vocalize their affection.

So, there you have it, scientific proof that cats are good for your health, as if you needed to know how amazing your cat is. We’re off to give our kitty a cuddle, we suggest you do the same!
Out of all the animals in the world, why are cats number 1 when it comes to human-animal bonding? Have you ever taken a moment to wonder why we love the feline race so much?

What is it that makes us feel so good when we interact with our cat? Is there more to it than just an emotional connection with our feline buddies? It turns out, YES. And science can prove it.

Here are 7 AMAZING reasons why humans are so fond of our feline friends…
Another classic. Everyone knows cats love almost nothing more than being fed by their humans - and if they don’t think you’re giving up the treats, you’ll hear about it! This can of course happen at any time of day or night, kitty isn’t fussy. So that 4 am “MEOW” that just woke you from a lovely dream about being on vacation is a not so subtle way of saying “Feed ME! Please”.

One solution could be to change your kitty’s feeding schedule, so you’re giving them tiny amounts of food more frequently. In fact, cats should be given small meals 4-6 times a day, so try and stick to this to keep your kitty purring with satisfaction.
When you’re bored, you just want your best buddy to give you some love - and that’s why your kitty might be meowing at you! Late night meowing in particular suggests this, because cats are known to feel especially playful in the evenings.

So, the trick is to distract your cat from meowing by keeping them entertained, with their safe toys, food puzzles, treasure hunts, scratching posts - or simply playing with them! Nothing cheers up a bored kitty more than getting fussed over a little bit - sometimes even a gift of a cardboard box or paper bag can result in hours of entertainment!
Kitties are creatures of habit - so when something changes in their home, whether it’s new people, new animals or any other kind of major alteration to the environment, your cat could very easily become less than content.

When that happens, their meowing is a heartfelt cry asking you to reassure them and make them feel comfortable in their home again. One way of doing this is to try and interact with your kitty as much as possible to let them know you aren’t going anywhere, and to make any big changes very gradually.

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