2 Dogo Argentino Puppies First 2 Weeks of Socialization within a Pure/Mixed Breed Pack [GUWD#7]

5 years ago

#dogoargentino #dogmata
Videos from the first two weeks of Darla and Violet at 12 weeks old playing with the Playcare Pack. Proper socialization is just as important as training. Through play, bite inhibition is learned, confidence is gained, and motor skills are heightened. It's also highly entertaining to watch. (Or maybe I'm just biased...)

0:00-1:25 Darla & Violet wrestling on the floor at home
1:26-2:52 Darla & Violet wrestling around in the front office, eventually running into Rosie who corrects their behavior.
2:53-6:08 Darla & Violet mouth sparring on the couch while I shove the camera between them.
6:09-9:03 Darla VS Sully
9:04-13:44 Darla & Violet back at it again, wrestling in the front office but with much more fancy maneuvering. Darla is also corrected for chewing on the couch.
13:45-15:00 Violet VS Chex and this time Violet gets corrected for chewing on the couch.
15:01-18:51 Violet VS Couch then Chex again
18:52-23:11 Darla VS Rosie back at home
23:12-23:45 Sayde being Sayde, thanks for watching!

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