The Great Conspiracy: Exposing Satan's Plot in Freemasonry and the Secret Societies

2 years ago

In 1826, a freemason named Captain William Morgan was killed for publishing the 1st 3 degree oaths and rituals of the freemasons. A monument was erected in 1882 which still stands there to this day, and which describes the details of this event as such:

“Sacred to the memory of Wm. Morgan, a native of Virginia, a Capt. in the War of 1812, a respectable citizen of Batavia, and a martyr to the freedom of writing, printing and speaking the truth. He was abducted from near this spot in the year 1826, by Freemasons and murdered for revealing the secrets of their order. The court records of Genesee County and the files of the Batavia Advocate, kept in the Recorders office contain the history of the events that caused the erection of this monument.”

Captain William Morgan’s publication called: Illustrations of Freemasonry can be purchased here:

This event led to a public outcry of justice which was hindered at every level by the sheriffs, jurors, courts, judges, etc… revealing that this secret society had greater power than our own justice system had. The outcry of justice, coinciding with America’s 2nd great awakening at that time, led to a movement to expose the works of this society, which led to a group of people recording all the other oaths and rituals in the following book called “Light on Masonry:”

In that day, freemasonry was nearly eradicated from the United States, as the membership numbers took a steep decline and many lodges closed their doors. However, nearly 40 years later, this society was making a resurgence which led Charles Finney (A Revivalist Preacher during the Revival in the 30s) to publicly speak out against this resurgence of this movement warning what may occur in our nation if that society went unchecked.

Check out his book called “The Character, Claims, and practical workings of Freemasonry” here:

Could it be that what Charles Finney warned us of years ago is what is occurring today in the destabilization in our nation, and in the legal system’s current attacks against Donald Trump today?

Check out 2 of my other videos for more information on that:

Legal Parallels with Trump:

The current coup of our nation:

While the church has often encouraged people to stay away from conspiracies (due to the abundance of misinformation), the reality of satan’s schemes via conspiracies has been a lost message from the church, allowing the enemy to come in through the back door…

As I point out in my video on the education system: the communists have created goals to take over the United States. Their 27th goal is to infiltrate and control the churches, and they use the following methods for this aim:

1: Infiltrate and lead the churches
2: Create divisions in the churches
3: Seduce leaders to cause them to fall

Russ Dizdar thoroughly exposes this agenda on his video here:

Also check out my video on mind montrol and the coming revival here:

For the follow up of this video which traces the history of the mystery of iniquity through the ages in the various secret societies and created religious belief systems, check out my video called “The Origin of the Gods:”

And for information on the video called 2000 mules, go to:

Also check out some of my other videos which relate with this topic including

1: My video on revolutions which is rooted in this society here:

2: The connection with the occult symbols displayed in NYC:

Also, someone under the name of Kyle-Undercover on X recently released a video recording of the 3rd degree freemason initiation rituals and oaths on his channel here:

Description written February 28, 2024

Click here to see the other videos on my channel:

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