GOD BROUGHT YOU WHERE YOU ARE FOR THIS PURPOSE #share #purpose #life #bible #jesus #prayer

2 years ago


2 years ago GOD ALMIGHTY led my husband and I to move from our house to another city, a house HE had for us.

It was located in an area we had never been before, and we did not know anyone in that town.

But we were following the Holy Spirit of GOD.

Shortly after we moved in to this house, we found out that there was spiritual darkness all around our house, in our neighborhood.
Lots of drugs, lots of fights, drunkenness.
I could sense it, see it and smell it, both physically and spiritually.

I remember praying:

"LORD! You brought us here, what is this!!"

Immediately HE answered me. GOD said:


Then I understood we were there for a purpose.

And started praying for the neighbors, and at times GOD ALMIGHTY led me to prophesy to them.

Didn't take long until the man that used to always get drunk and pick fights in the neighborhood on my left stopped drinking, accept Jesus as his LORD and Savior, received a Bible, and moved out.

Few months after that household got saved, the family across the street got saved.
The LORD led me to go talk to the lady across the street as she was going to her mailbox.
As I started talking to her, the Presence of GOD came upon us, she had never felt it before, she wept, she testified Jesus Christ is real, accepted Jesus as her LORD and Savior and said she'd tell the rest of her family.

About 3 weeks later, she received a letter from her Tenant saying she had to move out. She told me she knew GOD had great plans for her life.

Concerning another neighbor, GOD gave me a prophetic dream about. I posted on youtube (without names) to edify the body of Christ. Link: https://youtu.be/_nai-GkVWrg

So GOD ALMIGHTY is doing Amazing things as we pray for Salvation and Evangelize.
Let's be the Light in the Darkness!
Matthew 5:13-16

🔆 Believers Are Salt and Light

13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. 7-12
14 “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
15 Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Ephesians 5:8
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light

John 1:6-9
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7 This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe.
8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
9 That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.

John 8:12
"Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, 'I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.'"

John 3:19-21
And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”

🔺️ #share this video for the encouragement and edification of everyone.

In 2016 GOD ALMIGHTY showed me a Vision and called me to speak HIS Messages.

Bible Prophecies are all being fulfilled!
This is the Last Generation.

JESUS CHRIST (Yeshua) is the only way to Heaven. Turn to HIM before it is too late. We are not promised tomorrow.
Hell and Heaven are real places.

In case this channel is taken down, subscribe also on:

www.YouTube.com Link: https://youtu.be/bfmG1nWlttY

www.BitChute.com (endtimesprophecies777)

I also post in Portuguese on YouTube (link below) https://youtube.com/channel/UCNjxkOUyAX7i9Zuhnid6lhQ

Obeying our Heavenly FATHER is what I live for.
All for HIS Glory.
Matthew 6:33

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