“You will know them by their fruits" Trinity 8 2022

2 years ago

A true prophet preaches repentance for the forgiveness of sins in Christ’s shed blood. A false prophet tells you to justify, rationalize, or overlook sin. A true prophet preaches justification by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. A false prophet tells you to live a holy life by following rules and regulations, to be a good person in order to be saved. A true prophet only preaches what he has been given to speak from the Word of God. Without your intentional study of God’s Word, you’ll never know if everything this preacher preached and this congregation confesses is good, right, and true. The solid rock upon which the Church is built are the words of Jesus. Let us all commit to the diligent and patient study of God’s Word. Everything else is sinking sand.

Join the congregation of St. John in prayer each day and for Divine Service, each Sunday at 9:30 am, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, and on festival days, where God serves us with His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation.

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