Ep. 5101 – Trevor Aaronson on the FBI’s Unconstitutional Investigative Powers – 10/25/2019

5 years ago

Trevor Aaronson discusses some of the FBI’s egregious abuses of its power over American citizens, most recently brought to light by their use of an informant to investigate a law-abiding militia group in California for years. Although the FBI claims to be concerned with acts of violence alone, and not ideology, cases like this are clear examples of their willingness to go after people only for their views, and despite the absence of any wrongdoing whatsoever. Most of the supposedly foiled terrorist plots of recent years, in fact, are FBI entrapments to begin with, as Aaronson documents in his book, The Terror Factory.

Trevor Aaronson is a contributing writer for The Intercept and executive director of the nonprofit Florida Center for Investigative Reporting. He is the author of The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism. Find him on Twitter @trevoraaronson.

Check out the interview page here: https://libertarianinstitute.org/scotthortonshow/10-25-19-trevor-aaronson-on-the-fbis-unconstitutional-investigative-powers/

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