Overall Life & Personal Health Update

5 years ago

11/7/19 - So here is my recent update about my health issues and what recent developments have been manifesting in my life as of the last two weeks. Life finally caught up with me with all the stresses I have had and not being true to myself and living in my honor and respect. Sometimes when we speed through life and are not true to our own views because of outside circumstances like cultural, social, and family responsibilities that might not align with our spiritual truth, these sicknesses manifest until we can be true to ourself and step back and no longer be afraid of how we will look to others outside of our divine truth. This is what has been happening to me. Plus other more physical issues with having too many things placed upon myself and of which I have taken on which I should not have thinking it was my own responsibility when it was not and that was in my own ego causing me issues. So here is my story of how I am getting my truth back and listening to myself and stepping back from all the "responsibilities" that I thought I had to do to help those in my life, verses just letting them be content in the lives they have manifested now for themselves after their life long choices.

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