Is That a Truth? Space Stories That Stormed the Imaginations of the People but are Fake. (PART 2)

2 years ago

Is That a Truth? Space Stories That Stormed the Imaginations of the People but are Fake. (PART 2)
In the past decade, social media has grown exponentially in popularity. Because of social media, everyone knows about Aliens, UFOs, Mars probes, exoplanets, interstellar objects, and black holes. The dark side of social media is that people can even start believing fake news and stories. In the second part of the series, "Is that a truth?", we will give you 3 more space stories that took the imagination of people by storm but actually, the stories were fake. Let us start right now.

#4. Be aware of planet 9.
Astronomers have been working on finding out about Planet 9. A study suggested that it could be in the solar system's outer region. Planet 9 is a theoretical planet that's at the edge of our solar system.

In April 2016, the New York Post reported that a new planet known as Planet 9 could destroy Earth within a month. "The New York Post" also claimed that Planet 9 could launch various types of comets and asteroids on Earth which could end all life on our planet. Of course, the apocalypse didn't take place otherwise we wouldn't be here today to watch this video.

Experts now say that the chance of planet 9 destroying our earth is not possible. The existence of Planet 9 is still not proven and even if it exists the chance of it having any threat to earth is almost negligible.

#5. Aliens at Area 51.
Every other day people all over the world are reporting unidentified aerial phenomenon activity which is commonly termed UAP. Some believe that aliens are visiting our earth on regular basis studying human beings and their behavior.
in 1996, a movie named "Independence Day" was released. In the movie, there is a secret military base termed "area 51" in Nevada USA. In area 51, the military is doing research on aliens and alien technology which was recovered from a crashed flying saucer.
The concept of aliens visiting Earth took a firm root in the minds of several conspiracy theorists after the movie "Independence Day" was released. They backed their theories with the claims of the residents who live around area 51. For years, the residents living near area 51 have been reporting strange flying objects during nighttime. Conspiracy theorists are using those claims as proof that area 51 is a secret military site to study aliens and alien technology.
US government acknowledges the existence of area 51 which is used to test top secret airplanes and not as an alien technology testing site.

#6. Nibiru; A killer planet.
Conspiracy theorists have always come up with strange claims regarding an unusual and unknown planet. in 1976, One such claim was made by "Zecharia Sitchin" in his book "The Twelfth Planet". Zecharia claimed that beyond Neptune there is a dangerous planet named "Nibiru" which orbits the sun every 3600 years. Zecharia had derived these "facts" after translating ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets.

After Zecharia Sitchin, another person Nancy Lieder made a more unusual claim. She said that she was contacted by aliens and was told that "Nibiru" is going to collide with Earth in 2003. When the weird event didn't happen, nancy moved the date to 2012. As we know the collision never took place which ended the 2012 doomsday madness propagated by several conspiracy theorists.

Finally, none of the astronomers or any space experts has ever reported or predicted any planet on a collision course with earth.

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