Virtual Living-Room: Following Nudges In Steps As Information Reveals Huge Expansion

5 years ago

Virtual Living-Room: Following Nudges In Steps As Information Reveals Huge Expansion
produced on Conscious Conversation Central, recorded on Sunday November 10, 2019
Come play in the conversation with Sheila Corona, Lisa Flamino Rush, and BZ Riger

More and more nudges, signs, signals... and flows of information are coming in for each of us that are like stepping stones of revelations and the magic carpet of expansion.
If we are not present and noticing we can miss them, or Miss Interpret them!
If we are present, but flowing and Not attached to anyone stepping stone.  We not only notice them we flow through a series of magic carpet expansion moments, get to a crescendo moment and when we turn and look back... We clearly SEE the cosmically delicious flow, synchronicities and masterful orchestration that was the keys and codes [musical] score highlighting our crescendo moment.
We sat down to hang out in the virtual living room to talk about just such a 20 hour experience where I had and some of the interesting signs and flows of information along the way (see links below). For me, as always coming together and seeing how each-other's noticing's and what's been flowing in add to the expansion and the picture unfolding individually and co-creatively.

come join the conversation-

Find Lisa’s Heart Song Musings blog at: Find Lisa’s Rush Solutions Tools For Transformation at:…

Would you like to come play in an energetic envelope? Contact Sheila:

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Would you like to come play in conversation…have a question or something you would like to share with me. Send an email to me, at

Links to some of the signs and signals along the way...

Virgo - A higher love. from San Tarot

11/11 Portal & Activation ~ Soul Reading & Channeled Message from Consciousness Evolution Journey

BZ: I picked the image she reffers to as door 2.
Time-stamps Door 1: 33:14
Door 2: 52:25
Door 3: 1:12:55

Krystalline Samhain 11-11 Stargate, November 11th 2019 from Magenta Pixie

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