2 years ago

For six thousand years, the Lord allowed men to utilize our moral standards, bibles, religions, and kingdoms so that, in the last days, we would realize that the ways of men can not save us, they are what we need saving from! The ways of God are back; His Bible, His one true faith Christianity Eph. 4:5, and in 40 years, His Kingdom! So now modern men are at the same place men were 2,000 years ago when Jesus preached, "repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand" Rev. 18:4.
Our creator grants to us the wisdom from above that Satan is the man of sin, so the second coming of Christ is at hand 2:Thess. 2:3-11; Rom. 5:12-21! In 40 years, the kingdom of God will break up and consume all of the kingdoms of men at the second coming of Christ Micah 7:15; 1 Cor. 13:9-12; Dan. 2:44! During the Roman/Babylonian apostasy, Satan ruled over the kingdoms of men 2 Thess.2:3-11. As a dead man, Satan's spirit as a demon possesses the bodies of men, telling us that we can be like God Gen. 3:3-5. He, and other demons lies about everything; that they are God, that they are fallen angels, aliens, lizard people, every wind of doctrine of men. During the apostasy, the Lord stepped back by giving to us a strong delusion and hid His face, power, glory, majesty, and Bible Ezek 39:25-29. We were ignorant of the differences between good and evil so that as free moral agents we would learn evil without paying its full costs Rom. 5:13; Acts 17:30; Rev. 18:4. He gave evil one last chance while the world was being populated with billions!
In 40 years, just as the Lord destroyed evil with a worldwide flood, with the destroyer comet 1 Cor. 10:10 being a catalyst for the solar system to cleanse the heavens and the earth from evil, this time by fire as opposed to the first time by water 2 Peter 3!
Pseudo Scientist, subjective truth politicians, media, etc. do not believe that God exists, much less that He will destroy the world by fire in 40 years Micah 7:15; 1 Cor. 13:9-12; John 8:32; 2 Peter 3. They want you to be afraid of what they can do to you. But just as in the first century, the Lord is telling us not to fear men, to take His burden and yoke - that it is much lighter than those of men.

Religions of men are not what we thought, indeed it means that it was left up to every individual to not violate his or her conscience. It means that every person on earth was his/her religion.
It is my job to warn as many as I can. It is your job to warn the group of people you worshiped with -do not give up on them now!
We do need to meet together, have Saul to Paul conversions, and maybe assemble online or in the evenings on Sunday.
We need to start getting our bibles ready and start learning how to study the Bible.
We need to get ready for the time the power grid is struck down!

Heb 10:25 not forsaking our assembling, as the custom of some is, but exhorting one another; and so much the more, as ye see the day drawing nigh.

It is 8 am in Texas - the spiritual road to Damascus.
The Lord is asking you to quit kicking against the goad Rev. 18:4. To take His yoke and burdens upon you for they are lighter and easier to bear than men's
He overlooked our ignorance and now it is time to repent Acts 17:30.
Repent for the second coming of Christ is at hand. The Bible is back, Christianity is back and in 40 years-watch the signs in the sun- the Prince of Peace will resume His reign
It's time to fear God and not man.
time to be poor in spirit
time to hunger and thirst after righteousness- subscribe and join us tomorrow.
time to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness - not men's!
Time to prep to get ready for the world to go dark (including getting the Perfect Law of Liberty- spiritual water, and find good access to physical water the Royal Law; print, ebook, zip drive, DVD.
When the world goes dark the light of the gospel of the kingdom of Christ Matt. 4:23 will grow bright. He promised us truth to set us free from every wind of the doctrine of men John 8:32 - every eye will see Him deliver!
We will be saved from this perverse generation even if we die in this war.
Everyone, please be safe, we need each other.

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