"Many" School Board Trustees MUST be Voted OUT in the Next Election

2 years ago

There is a war against children going on in our school boards across Canada.

School board trustees nationwide have lost their marbles as they support the sexualization and abuse of children and it has to STOP!

'No dissent is allowed': Carolyn Burjoski was ejected from this Waterloo Region District School Board virtual meeting for expressing concerns over content in some board-approved school library books for K-6.

The amendments to the Provincial Human Rights Code to include gender expression and gender identity as protected class does NOT mean that it trumps Section 163(1) of the Criminal Code that clearly states... it is an indictable offense liable to imprisonment, to exploit or expose minors to any form of pornography or sexually explicit material or activities.

Boys in K-6 are children and are NOT thinking about whether they are Asexual if they are not thinking about naked girls.

Board Chair, Scott Piatkowski, is in a trusted position to put the safety and well-being of students first and not before his ill-informed interpretation of the Human Rights Code.

The four trustees who supported Carolyn Burjoski should be re-elected.

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