013| Psychological Warfare, Fear & Manipulation Through 'Nudges' in the Pandemic Era | Gary Sidley

2 years ago

Gary Sidley is a retired consultant clinical psychologist having worked for over 3 decades in the NHS, since then he worked tirelessly as a patient advocate for better treatment for mental health not just biologics treatment. Today however we're discussing his work with the HART group (www.hartgroup.org) & Smile Free (www.smilefree.org) looking into both nudges and the psychological effects of masking, mandates & lockdowns, use of fear and the detrimental effect that has had on the population at large. Join us as we talk about how nudging and 3 main types of nudges were used to enforce complaince of you, me and everyone else and how you can avoid being nudged or at the very least - how to be aware there is an element of nudging going on around you as well where this all looks to be going!

00:15 Intro
05:55 Mask mandates & fear inducing measures
09:45 Behavioural sciences useage
11:25 3 big Nudges used
15:00 Norm nudges - masking!
19:36 Other examples so we can better prepare!
24:13 Why aren't more people speaking up, what's happening there?
25:50 Why is it so bad for the government to tell us white lies on these things? (The Noble Lie!)
33:00 Are people becomming aware?
34:30 How can we avoid falling for the nudges again?
37:10 3 ways to protect from nudges
38:29 Read alternative news sources not just legacy/main stream media
39:11 Stop following harmful/nonsensical "recommendations"
41:40 Who is the "they", the globalist corporatocracy (WEF, Blackrock etc.)
44:00 Arno Wellens episode on related CBDC evidence/links etc. can be found in that episode description
46:25 What will this mean for the future of our children
50:30 How does globalism come to the local level!?
51:10 Business & Medicine is captured at every level
54:37 Admitted lies around ivermectin due to funding issues
57:07 Make dissent visible - Challenge the illusion of consensus

SPI-B Government document outlining increasing perceived level of threat for adherance
Stay home, Protect the NHS, Save lives - Gov website ads for TV
We're not safe until we're all safe (Aussie version)
Fear p*rn from The Sun

Event 201 Pandemic prep
Monkeypox NTI table top exercise
WHO declares global emergency Re: Monkeypox

Hayley Hodgson quarantine camp Australia

Great Barrington Declaration

Arno Wellens Episode:

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