Hypocritical Dick Cheney's Attack on Trump Bristles with Absurdity

2 years ago

Are Trump's Worst 'Sins' Simply Telling the Truth About Neo-Connery Gone Mad?

Apparently, it takes a real Cheney to truly plumb the depths of hypocrisy for Defense of the Republican Realm. In a recent ad, a darkly grim Dick wears a white stetson for his wildly unpopular daughter Liz. Here, Papa Cheney calls President Donald Trump a “coward” and the greatest threat to democracy in US history. Isn't this about as credible as Count Dracula complaining about a blood shortage?

“Man has an invincible inclination for deceit while therefore enchanted with happiness.” – Nietzsche

Yet, beyond the titanic absurdity revealed here, what's truly exposed are the depths that the cult of Neo-Cons will stoop to in defense of their sordid history of failed ideas and collapsed policies. Sadly, blindly loyal daughter Liz had to be sacrificed for family honor for a cabal permanently stained by incompetent hubris. Now Liz expects her benefactors, WY Democrats, to change parties to save her.

Let's not forget it was Dick Cheney who, by heading the GOP search for a respectable VP for George W Bush ended up nominating himself. This conceited decision arrived after Dick apparently spent hours staring into the depths of his own soul. He likely peered into a dollar store mirror until he fell fully in love with his own visage, like Narcissus gazing at himself in the troubled waters of a trailer house commode.

When Cheney calls Trump a “coward” – could it be Dick himself he sees with his occluded double-vision since he took 5-deferments to avoid Vietnam military service? Considering his previous role as US Defense Secretary, Cheney was criticized for lack of military experience, as a Vietnam draft dodger. Later, as VP, Dick's famously obdurate attitude led to the perception the Bush/Cheney admin considered itself beyond any criticism. See Elizabeth Cheney, Deferment Baby How Dick Cheney dodged the Vietnam draft. Further, wasn't it Bush/Cheney supposedly stealing an election?

“In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act” – George Orwell.

Worst, it was Cheney & Bush's casual decision to invade Iraq, a country not involved in the 911 attacks, now infamously shown was based on a tissue of lies. So America subjugated Iraq, then while still occupying, then invaded Afghanistan, another nation not responsible for 911. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, heartland of Wahabbi Jihadists and home of 911 attackers, remained unscathed. Shameful incompetence wedded with baleful arrogance – that's Cheneyism. Regardless of damage to her party, Liz Cheney demands Trump be prosecuted for Jan 6, while his lying impeachers walk free.

But Trump's real “sins” against the Cheney & Bush Dynasties was challenging these invasions from the right, which caused porcine Dick to hop and skip like a scalded cat. And so Trump was castigated and demonized for merely speaking the truth. Because in exposing the mindless stupidity of the Iraq invasion, the betrayal of our troops and subsequent loss of global stature, Cheney raped and plundered America's future with mindless Neocon shibboleths. Dick must be humbled in Liz's coming loss.

“He who is punished is never him who performed the deed; he's always the scapegoat.” – Nietzsche

Ultimately, America must repudiate the stupidity and smug self regard of Neo-connery and the misguided Dick Cheney, whose daddy's girl Liz takes the fall for the pompous family patriarch. In Liz's committing political hari kari, let's hope this signals the long-portended suicide of a failed political autism of the original discredited Bush & Cheney con- artistry.

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