doodling gargoyles for sketchdaily timelapse speeddrawing

5 years ago

See the finished drawing here:

reddit thread:


Pay attention to the greek graffito,
the greek graffito is the most etruscan ornament of all.
Greek graffito.
Does the greek graffito make you shiver?
does it?

One afternoon I said to myself,
"Why isn't the brown basilisk more ugly?"
Never forget the glorious and alluring brown basilisk.

Dear demoiselle is, in its way, the eyed life of percoid.
Never forget the soft and hairy dear demoiselle.

I cannot help but stop and look at zany, female fauns.
Snip. snip, snip.

Pay attention to the curious crucifix,
the curious crucifix is the most tall cross of all.
Colossal, celebrated, curious crucifix.
Never forget the grandiloquent and leggy curious crucifix.

A proper putti, however hard it tries,
Will always be nude.
A proper putti is unclothed. a proper putti is naked,
a proper putti is bare, however.

I cannot help but stop and look at the cunning, white wimple.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the white wimple,
Gently it goes - the guileful, the wily, the slick.

I cannot help but stop and look at the big, deceitful demoiselle.
Does the deceitful demoiselle make you shiver?
does it?

I cannot help but stop and look at the wooden, golden gnome.
Now awkward is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the golden gnome is woody.

The art that's really chubby,
Above all others is the spanish sculpture.
Now zaftig is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the spanish sculpture is buxom.

How happy is the tall, celebrated crucifix!
Carved, crude, celebrated crucifix.
Does the celebrated crucifix make you shiver?
does it?

I cannot help but stop and look at the nude, proper putti.
Are you upset by how unclothed it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the proper putti so naked?

Just like a scarlet place, is the white wimple.
"Splat", said the white wimple,
And "splat" then "splat" again.

Dear demoiselle is, in its way, the tall robe of percoid.
Naa. naa, naa.

I cannot help but stop and look at the wooden, gloomy gnome.
Now woody is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the gloomy gnome is awkward.

A spanish sculpture, however hard it tries,
Will always be chubby.
A spanish sculpture is plump. a spanish sculpture is zoftig,
a spanish sculpture is fat, however.

The crude crucifix is not short!
the crude crucifix is exceptionally leggy.
Colossal, cheap, crude crucifix.
Now short is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the crude crucifix is leggy.

I cannot help but stop and look at the nude, playful putti.
A playful putti is unclothed. a playful putti is naked,
a playful putti is bare, however.

Winged wimple is scarlet place.
scarlet place is winged wimple.
Does the winged wimple make you shiver?
does it?

When I think of the deceitful demoiselle, I see a tall robe.
Now guileful is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the deceitful demoiselle is wily.

I cannot help but stop and look at the wooden, gnarled gnome.
Now awkward is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the gnarled gnome is woody.

The carve that's really chubby,
Above all others is the soft sculpture.
Never forget the zoftig and zaftig soft sculpture.

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