EXPOSE the Communist Chinese working with traitors here in the USA!

2 years ago

The "Final Product" of my labor, praise God for all the beautiful Red Sockeye Salmon filets, canned jars and smoked salmon vacuum packaged as well. We need to keep praying for EXPOSURE of how the Chinese Communist leaders are working to destroy us, pray also for the traitors to be EXPOSED as these scoundrels are making huge amounts of Communist money to sell our country and our people out. Ephesian 5:1 "Do not participate in the useless deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them;"
We love God to much and our country as well, we would NEVER sell others out for money, but there are many traitors who are more than happy to do so. Keep praying for EXPOSURE.
August 6, 2022 Homer, Alaska mefoundation.world

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