Vatican Agent - John Brennan (Former CIA Director - War Criminal)

2 years ago

CIA war criminal John Brennan praises Jesuit Fordham and Elbert Rushmore S.J. at commencement (2012)

Jesuit trained FBI agent G. Gordon Liddy admits the Jesuits rule the world, and that Heinrich Himmler modeled the Nazi SS off of the Jesuits in his Autobiography

The quotations come from G. Gordon Liddy's autobiography Will (1980) :

pg. 54/55 :

"There was no question of where I should go to college. My father, a loyal and active son of Fordham, was confident that the education there, under the Jesuits, would be superior. Once again he was correct. As before, however, I felt I would be measured against my father's record. So be it. He had won at prep school, I would win at college. Fordham was a feast for the mind and a challenge to the spirit. To begin with, it was still under the absolute control of the Jesuits, and many of the professors were either Jesuit priests (Fathers) or scholastics (trainees, addressed as "Mister"). As much as I had admired the German Benedictines, I admired the Jesuits more. That is not to say that I found every Jesuit individually attractive as a personality, or that I did not chafe under their rule; my competitive spirit and self-esteem, several notches higher than justifiable, saw to that. But the Society of Jesus was something special; the shock troop of the Catholic church. So effective an organization was it that even as it was the object of a special effort at suppression by Nazi Germany, Heinrich Himmler used it as the model for his own corps of Ubermenschen the Schutzstaffel , the dread, black-uniformed SS, whose hand-picked members swore a special oath of loyalty to the Fuhrer, as the highest rank of Jesuits did to the Pope."

pg. 39 :

"When I was with my father in New York we would lunch at the {Fordham} University Club, and he saw to it that I met his fellow members and had the opportunity to talk with them. It was an extraordinary experience, and I learned quickly that powerful men had certain attributes in common: they were forceful of personality, articulate, exceptionally well educated and interested in everything around them. It was fascinating to watch a number of them together, my father included, like so many magnets forming a field in which they balanced each other off. These men ran the world, and it was obvious that they enjoyed it. I resolved to become like them."

*All military/intelligence agencies worldwide are run and controlled by the Vatican.

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