To the Saints in Pakistan. Part 17. Romans 7:24-8:8

2 years ago

If we understand the Cross and Gospel of Jesus Christ, we come to love such things as are discussed here. Paul here lays out what salvation looks like. It is sweeping. It is exciting. It is humbling. It is Christ-exalting! Paul knows where his deliverance comes from. Do we? Do we understand the law of what Christ has done for his people? Do we truly rest and therefore not violate that law in accordance with his words that if we love him, we’ll obey his commandments? John 14:15, etc.? Christ sets people entirely free from sin. Entirely. They must learn why it this they’re to speak that way if they’re not to call him a liar. They must bow their heads in grace and confess with their lips so great a salvation. This is their blessing, their life, their peace, their joy, their hope, and their ever-present deliverance.

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God bless!

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