Dealing With SHTF Denial

2 years ago

What happens when others don’t think it’s real

You probably see the real risk of SHTF. You probably know things aren’t right.

You are ready to prepare for yourself, your business and your family.

But maybe some around you are in denial.

Maybe they want to hold your plans back.

How do we deal with SHTF denial?

I discuss just that in this video.

As you watch the video join me in the comments with your thoughts and insights.

Video Contents:

0:00 - Introduction
2:31 - Disclaimer
2:42 - Can’t Change Others
4:19 - Don’t Let Them Drag You Down?
5:54 - Build New Communities
7:50 - Put Your Family First
9:31 - Conclusion


NOTE: While legal issues are discussed this is education and is not legal advice. It is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. Please consult your own attorney on your situation and to get legal advice about your circumstances. Courts are unpredictable may disagree with the author’s opinions.

This is not financial or investment advice.

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Video Concepts:

Dealing With SHTF Denial, SHTF, Denial, SHTF Denial, dealing with shtf, prepping for shtf, family, family issues, disagreement, taking care of your family, family first, dealing with family issues, recession, depression, economic issues, economic downturn, economic issues, dealing with a bad economy

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