2 years ago

One long, dark summer night in August of 1955, the Sutton family and their visiting friends had a bizarre encounter with beings that they claimed were “goblins from outer space!” The Sutton’s lived in a secluded farmhouse in rural Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Billy Ray Taylor and his family were visiting from out of town. While fetching water from a well on the property, he observed a light in the sky, which he described to his friends and family as a “flying saucer” with “an exhaust all the colors of the rainbow.” The family dog soon began barking, ran towards the woods, and returned whimpering and hid under the house.

They saw glowing lights and humanoid figures moving towards them. The men opened fire on the figures, which led to about four hours of terrifying and shocking events. The “goblins” surrounded the house, peering into the door and windows. The men shot at the beings and held them off with gunfire for hours, until they were able to make a dash for their vehicles and rush to the police department for help.

This story made the front page of newspapers the next day and has since become one of the most intriguing UFO and cryptid stories in U.S. history. Jessica remote viewed the events of that fateful night and has some interesting information in regard to what the beings were and their fascination with the families at the rural farmhouse.

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