Feminism - The Jewish Control Plot, the destruction of the Family Unit

2 years ago

4 Neurotic Jewish Women Founded the Women's Movement:
Betty Friedan
Bella Abzug
Gloria Steinem
Gloria Allred

These Satanic women who fought for lesbianism worldwide sought to tell straight, moral, loving Christian Women in the Midwest how they were supposed to hate their husbands and raise their children by (1) leaving the home daily, (2) taking a job, (3) sending their children to a day care center, (4) knowing they were actually being raped even when they had requested and even demand sex with the husband (link), and (5) having an abortion on demand without asking her husband first.

Jews operating on the cultural front of FEMINISM: -Gloria Steinem (1934- ); founder, Ms. Magazine.
-Bella Abzug (1920-1998); Civil rights and labor attorney elected to Congress (House of Rep.) from New York City; served 1971-1977.
-Betty Friedan (1921- ); feminist leader and author of the book "The Feminine Mystique" (1963).
-Shulamith Firestone (1945- ); Canadian feminist. Wrote "The Dialectic of Sex" (1970).
-Andrea Dworkin (1946- ); radical; apparent lesbian. Author of the book "Intercourse" (1987).
-Susan Brownmiller (1935- ); U.S. feminist. Wrote the book "Against Our Will" (1975).
-Susan Faludi (1959- ); author of the book "Backlash (1992).
-Naomi Wolf (1962- ); advisor to Al Gore in the 2000 U.S.
presidential election.
-Emma Goldman (1869-1940); early U.S. feminist.
-Ernestine Rose (1810-1892); b. in Poland; early feminist.
-Phyllis Chesler (1941- ); U.S. feminist; author of the book "Woman's Inhumanity to Woman" (2002).
-Judy Chicago (Cohen) (1939- ); U.S. feminist. Author of the book "The Dinner Party" (1996).
-Robin Morgan (1941- ); U.S. feminist. Former editor-in-chief, Ms. magazine.
-Letty Cottin Pogrebin (1939- ); U.S. feminist; co-founded Ms. magazine.
-Gerda Lerner (1920- ); b. in Austria.
-Annie Nathan Meyer (1867-1951); U.S. feminist.
-Maud Nathan (1862-1946); sister of Annie Nathan Meyer; U.S. feminist.
-Geri Palast (1950- ); chair, Committee on Women in the Global Economy; U.S. feminist.
-Rose Schneiderman (1882-1972); b. in Poland.
-Anita Pollitzer (1894-1975); U.S. feminist; pal of artist Georgia O'Keeffe.
-Gene Boyer (no birthyear available); a founder of N.O.W.; president of Jewish Feminists; U.S. feminist.
-Lucy Komisar (1942- ); author of the book "The New Feminism" (1971); U.S. feminist.
-Karen Nussbaum (1950- ); (apparently Jewish); leader of 9to5- National Association of Working Women.
-Eleanor Flexner (1908-1995); (apparently Jewish--relative is a Zionist); U.S. feminist.
-Riane Eisler (1931- ); b. Vienna; author/feminist;(apparently a Jewish-fled Nazi). Author of the book "The Chalice and the Blade" (1987).

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