Dual Booting into Windows 10 and Linux Mint - Grub Repair - Troubleshooting and fix Computer Booting

5 years ago

Thank you for looking at the description of this video
In many cases if your computer fails to show Grub to dual boot you can take you live disk our USB Thumb Drive and boot

Go into terminal and Copy and Paste these commands in!

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair


If Boot Repair does not load the program goto menu and search for it there!

In this Video I documented step by step to do this prosess and hope it can help you out.
Pleas give this video like and subscribe to my channel and look at my Playlist on how to do Neato Stuff in Linux! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf-P324GALc&list=PL_g5Ad_LMmeJZDogjUkTv6wggQFRHH5BT

I use a Acer Spin Core i5 Laptop that has Windows 10 pre installed on it and intend to use Linux Mint most of the time on it!

#Linux #LinuxMint #dualBootWindows #Windows10
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(c) Robbie Strike 2019 http://www.RobbieStrike.com


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