How's it feel knowing government has a Bounty on your head?

2 years ago

You need to understand exactly how the #Hospitals and your Federal #Government conspired to "Fake a pandemic"

The Government PAID HOSPITALS UP FRONT according to their
"projected" number of patients the hospital would see for #Covid19

THE HOSPITALS had already been paid before they treated ANYONE!

So if the hospitals did not "diagnose" enough cases of the non-existent Covid19 and #Murder enough people using the "treatment protocols" then they would have to PAY THE MONEY BACK!

This is why people were FORCED to take the BS #PCR
(Which is USELESS to diagnose ANYTHING)

So naturally they'd run the PCR to enough cycles that you were POSITIVE!

Otherwise they'd have to refund that massive government BRIBE!

So your government actually put a BOUNTY ON YOUR HEAD!

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