Little Office BVM Compline in Gregorian Chant with updated Psalm Tone

2 years ago

Day 94 of #100daysofchant
So close to finishing!
For anyone new, I have been working on a course teaching people how to Sing the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Latin since 2020. Recently someone asked about the Psalm tone I was using for Compline compared with page 158 of the Baronius Press book, so I made a technical video exploring what was going on there - you'll have to get the course to find the video. In the process, I updated the booklets - available at Today I got around to fixing up the Psalm tone in a recording with one of my sons.
So now you have the definitive way to sing Compline from the Little Office.
Except I've still got the Monastic Sub Tuum in there, but no one has asked me about that yet, so it's staying for now as a nod to Maternal Heart Church, Lewisham.
God bless you!

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