Florida’s GOP Governor DeSantis Suspends State Attorney For Being ‘Woke’

2 years ago

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis suspend US Attorney Andrew Warren because he signed a pledge to refuse criminally charge people who seek an abortion or provide one and those involved with providing trans-affirming care to minors. The Majority Report crew discuss how this is performative on DeSanti’s end. His recent actions have made him a darling of Right-wing media and an alternative to Trump for the 2024 election. The MR crew also talk about how prosecutorial discretion is widely used by Right-wing and Left-wing prosecutors and how Warren is in his purview. The crew also talks about how this is part of Republicans’ attack on abortion rights and LGBTQ people.

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So this is a part of their interconnected way to attack abortion rights and attack LGBTQ people. So this attorney Andrew Warren, has said that the he will not go after doctors again for providing abortions if it is necessary and two for providing trans-affirming care to minors which people like Jordan Peterson and right-wing politicians have designated as a butchering because they need to make every transfer action of trans-affirming care into surgery in order to elicit a disgusted response from their base. When the reality is is that yes sometimes, in some instances top surgery is done very rarely is my understanding, but it has happened and like four minor trans kids but bottom minor surgery really just no it doesn't happen. It's a lie, and the top surgery is only after the child has like socially transitioned and has lived in that identity for a long time and this is all things you can trust doctors and parents with, and you don't need the state and fascists employed by and appointed by people like DeSantis to get in the way of that and the reason that they want to make it all about surgery is because as i say right they think it's more visceral for people but transforming care is so much more encompassing than just the surgical element and there are so many steps that lead to that period including puberty blockers, hormone blockers…

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