#328 Government by Lobbyist

2 years ago

Most Americans know that Washington DC is inhabited by an army of lobbyists that try to influence legislation on behalf of their clients. But most people have no idea just how big the lobbying industry is or how much money is spread around in an effort to get Members of Congress to either support or oppose particular pieces of legislation.
Opensecrets.org has compiled some rather amazing statistics from publicly available data. This week, the FAIRtax Guys dig into some of that data. Not surprisingly, they discover that taxes is one of the top three issues that lobbyists are trying to influence. When you see how much money is involved, you’ll understand why Congress is so intent on keeping the income tax system and all the lobbying that comes with it. That’s why it’s vitally important that FAIRtax volunteers not give up in their efforts to elect FAIRtax candidates to Congress.

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