Misconceptions about Starvation a Reply to Aden Tate at the Organic Prepper

3 years ago

This is a few quick comments to Aden Tate at the organic prepper centered around the idea of not having food and some immediate effect of starvation.

Article link at https://www.theorganicprepper.com/complete-supply-chain-breakdown/

Reply: The thing about food running out I think is a little overspun, I would give it an extra 3 days. People will be upset for the first couple days but the thing is once you get over the first few, you get really relaxed and calm and don't have a lot of energy so I don't see how the less food there is the worse it will get.. people will be lulled into inaction and complacency by an absence of food not the other way around.. you may think the longer you go the hungrier you get, but the opposite is true, the longer you go, the less you have hunger and the more minor physical stresses exist.

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