Harrison Schultz: FED & Occupy Wall Street | Ben Stewart Podcast #56

2 years ago

(Truth Series)

Harrison is a founding member of "Occupy Wall Street", martial artist, capoeirista. He has a PhD in sociology and is currently promoting his annual November 5th Demonstration at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York City.

Harrison Schultz Twitter - https://twitter.com/HarrisonTesoura
Occupy The Fed Movement - https://twitter.com/OccupytheFeds
"The Lost Science of Money: The Mythology of Money, The Story of Power" - https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Science-Money-Mythology-Story/dp/1930748035/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1N8GD30R52R14&keywords=lost+science+of+money&qid=1659726233&sprefix=lost+science+of+money%2Caps%2C59&sr=8-1

#BenStewart #HarrisonSchultz #FederalReserve #OccupyWallStreet #Sociology

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