The Bee Weekly: Primaries, Peach-gate, Pride & Prejudice, Prices

2 years ago

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This week at The Babylon Bee, Kyle, Jarret, Christina, and Brandon talk about whether or not we are living in MAGA country after the primary results pour in, a woman made a bunch of resentful comics about her husband causing the internet to make peach memes, and an impassioned argument broke out over which Pride and Prejudice adaptation is the best. Also the prices are just too dang high!

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The Bee announces an upcoming Beach Boys parody video. Also, terrorists are getting drone striked while hanging out with the Taliban, Newsom declared a state of emergency over a disease that totally isn’t gay, and Obi-Wan Kenobi is now bi for some reason. Okay.

The Babylon Bee plays The Price Is Wrong, Bee where Kyle, Jarret, and Brandon try to guess the price of some random items we got from the store. There is also another exciting edition of Sizzler Facts, Bee Radio from Austin Robertson, and of course Hate Mail! Also, we find out what listeners would call their imaginary fat baby after putting out our latest Pregnant Man sketch.

In the full length version of the podcast, Christina answers the Ten Questions and joins the other guys in reading the best subscriber submitted headlines and bonus hate mail!

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