Prof. Harvey Risch on monkeypox, pandemic of the vaxxed, early treatment, propaganda, corruption

2 years ago



Monkeypox is much less transmissible than respiratory infections and much milder than smallpox. The disease is almost entirely limited to the males who have sex with males community. Others who are not in very close contact with these people, run little risk. The minimum viral dose is very high.

NB: It may be that an even smaller section of the population is at risk, namely the males who have sex with multiple males community who also had the COVID jabs. Also, vaxx side effects are often mistaken for monkeypox. It's the jab stupid!

Although the disease spreads globally, the vast majority of the population is not at risk. The risk of severe disease is very low, unless you have an impaired immune system due to diseases caused by an unhealthy diet/lifestyle/environment (high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, drugs) or other causes.

Monkeypox can and should be treated with for example Tpox. Vaccination is unnecessary and undesirable.

Due to its very low transmission, low virulence, and tiny risk group, monkeypox is not a public health threat and will almost certainly not overwhelm the sick care system.

2. COVID19

Lockdown may have been a good idea for a very limited time at the very beginning of the 'pandemic'. It may have bought some time to figure out how bad the disease was. However, lockdowns can never AVOID a problem. It can at best only DELAY it.

The lockdowns in Australia and New Zealand may have 'worked' for some time, but after all the suffering due to the measures, people got sick anyway, since there was no acquired natural immunity and the jabs suck at all medical purposes.

So you have the same disease burden as if you had done nothing, but only later, and with enormous suffering in the mean time.

NB: The Amish chose a much smarter strategy. They kept living their life as normal and even purposely tried to get infected by congregating in church and drinking from the same cup. A tiny percentage of them got sick or died. Afterward, everybody had robust, durable, transmission reducing naturally acquired immunity. See:

Amish COVID - Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson

All severe disease could have been avoided anyway with harmless, highly effective measures such as early intensive combination treatment.

The harms of lockdowns vastly outweigh any potential benefits. Masking and social distancing have negligible effect, but do have significant negative side-effects. The jabs have negative efficacy during the first 2 weeks (i.e. they make you MORE likely to get sick and infect others), then they may provide some waning protection during a short period, after which their efficacy turns negative again.

One negative effect of the jabs is that they cause your immune system to become rigid, i.e. it keeps fighting the previous war, even though the enemy has mutated. This is called original antigenic sin (OAS). Antibodies produced by the immune system have an outdated design. They attach to the pathogen, but don't neutralize it. This is called antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). Both make you worse off than if you had not been injected.

In many places, it has been more or less mandated to get injected with the barely tested Kool-Aid. The justification has been that it protects others and also prevents the sick care system from being overwhelmed. It has been clear for more than a year now that the jabs are impotent at both. In fact, they achieve the exact opposite.

Paxlovid is a complete failure, except at making Pfizer rich. The Paxlovid rebound, i.e. getting sick again after treatment, is a common occurrence, especially in those who have also been jabbed. Pharmaceutical companies create repeat customers for their highly profitable products, not cures.

Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are examples of harmless, cheap, available, off-patent drugs that are highly effective in early treatment of COVID. People who take these medicines early, usually recover within 2-3 days. In contrast, those who take Paxlovid often are sick for 3-4 weeks.

Corona viruses are known to mutate very fast. Regard of how fast you design, develop, produce, distribute and mass inject, it will be way too slow. Since the jabs increase the chance of infection and transmission, and also the duration of infection, they INCREASE the rate that new variants arise and make the 'vaccinated' a public health risk. That's why the term 'pandemic of the vaccinated', is appropriate.


Measures such as mask wearing have caused significant net harm for COVID. If a tyrannical government ever forces them on the population again for monkeypox, that will be significantly more the case.


Models are a very unsatisfying method of predicting the future. As Yogi Berra said, "It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future." Models require assumptions and parameters. If you make even the slightest error, the model's predictions will be wildly off. In fact, it has been the rule, not the exception, that the models overestimate the real life severity by 10-100x.

Models may be interesting from an academic point of view, but have no practical predictive purpose. However, they can be of great use when you want to frighten the population and benefit politicians and pharmaceutical companies.

People choose their behavior based on fear, not necessarily on accurate scientific evidence.


Release suppression of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and other safe repurposed off-patent drugs. Stop the government smear campaign and suppression of these drugs. Let doctors be doctors and treat patients as early as possible. That this works is shown by for example the My Free Doctors Telemedicine group of doctors, who have treated over 275 000 patients combined, with only 6 deaths.

All the propaganda to suppress these drugs has paved the way for the obscenely profitable jabs and paxlovid (and remdeathisnear, etc.), and has had the government's full support and cooperation. This has been a scam of epic proportions against the U.S. and the world.

The mainstream standards are controlled by the mainstream media, which are controlled by massive financial and political interests that are opposed to public health and truth. Since universities get a significant amount of their budget through pharma grants, their main allegiance is to pharma, not to science or public health. The same goes for the 'scientific' journals.

The inference is that you cannot rely on the media or (conflicted) 'experts', since their interests are likely to conflict with yours. You are required to search for the evidence yourself and evaluate it yourself.


The effectiveness of boosters, if any, is so short that they need to be given every few weeks. This is completely impractical and will lead to further harm to the immune system (e.g. exhaustion, tolerance, OAS, ADE) and other (severe) known and potential negative side-effects which may be irreversible.


Israeli vaxx injured prof.: Monkeypox outbreaks after mass vaccination not a coincidence

Twitter has censored Pfizer-injured Israeli COVID vaccine director and forced him to remove a Tweet that stated:

"Monkey pox cases were rare for years. During the last years a single case was documented in Israel. It is well established the mRNA vaccines affect the natural immune system. A monkey pox outbreak following massive covid vaccination: *Is not a coincidence."

Professor Shmuel Shapira, M.D., MPH, served as the Director General of the Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) between 2013 and 2021, where he led Israel’s effort to develop a coronavirus vaccine.


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