Elizabeth's Universe - Full Disclosure

2 years ago

I'm grateful for a platform like Rumble that values freedom of speech and the sharing of information. I started Elizabeth’s Universe because I was compelled. I trusted the 'buzz' that informed me that our Universe was at a crossroad. I moved forward in faith. Now I understand why I felt so compelled. This suppression of factual information in a 'democratic' society by youtube really opened my eyes. We are indeed at a crossroad. A government or media that fears the voice of its people no longer serves its people. Mahatma Gandhi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Source material:

Court ordered FDA Pfizer Covid 19 vaccine documents found on the Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency website can at phmpt.org For Judge Pittman’s Court Order dated January 6, 2022, in the Court Documents enter ORDER.2022.01.06.pdf

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