Shenmue 3 Backer Code's Epic Fail Store & Yu Suzuki not caring about Original Backers

4 years ago

[UPDATE 25DEC2019: Still no particular fix for my issue. finally received contact from shenmue 3, they informed me i have to wait for a later fix and I am at the end of my limit. I honestly given up by now and will not be supporting yu suzuki, y's net or anything from shenmue 3 in anyway shape or form. I still never received my physical copy for shenmue 3 and I wish i could've just returned this game and received my money back I will no longer be updating the issues with this video and will just sell my copy on ebay in the future (whenever they decide to send it.]

[Update 12DEC2019: Still no fix for this error and they say they will "update" in the future to fix this while people who didn't support the game can play the unbacker version way early. So the companies involved wanted a quick cash grab from sales but still not help the original backers. I supported it up to this point now I hate the companies involved and feel completely screwed over]
Please support my channel by getting this video the notoriety it deserves share this link to companies involved like {y'snet, Fangamer, epic gamews and deepsilver} and letting the publishers, developers or whomever is responsible for this know how the backers actually feel. Please subscribe and like I would really appreciate it!
after being mistreated on the whole backer situation this was what I had to say on the whole issue in general. this again is just me entitled to my opinion on the matter and I still can't help but feel so betrayed in the end.

Link to kickstarter backers comments:

Shenmue Intro CG 4k:
Shenmue III Recapp Movie :
Backers Credits Shenmue 3:
This game is one of the most famous Dreamcast games out there that Yu Suzuki made while with SEGA. The game was so overwhelmingly positive that it was funded to finish the series with a Shenmue 3 that is coming out on PS4 and PC 2017.

If interested in seeing more of Shenmue 1 feel free to check the playlist here:

If interested in seeing more of Shenmue 2 feel free to check the playlist here:

If interested in seeing more of Shenmue 3 Backer Ver feel free to check the playlist here:

If interested in seeing more of Shenmue 4 feel free to check the playlist here: TBA

If Interested in more MMORPG, JRPGs or video games in general go ahead and subscribe! or even leave a comment I will reply to every single comment that isnt spam!

Here is a link to the Kickstarter/gofundme page of Shenmue 3 that was funded by the people and brought back by popular demand for Yu Suzuki to finish:


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If interested in more games played by me feel free to check out my playlists section where I have several completed series and games I have done and be sure to subscribe for more content released every day!

If Interested in more MMORPG, JRPGs or video games in general go ahead and subscribe! or even leave a comment I will reply to every single comment that isnt spam!

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