How to play Otrio

2 years ago

Learn the rules to the board game Otrio quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to be the first player to get 3 in a row one of three ways: Three pieces of the same size in a straight line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally; or three pieces in a straight line in ascending or descending size; or three concentric pieces of the same color in a single space.

Layout the board and place the pieces in the outer most spaces, organizing each side by color. If playing with 2 players, each player selects 2 colors that are across from each other and each players will alternate colors when making moves so that the play order goes clockwise around the board so each color plays an equal number of times while players alternate turns. Players may not combine colors for a win. In a 3 or 4 player game, each player only picks one color. If playing with 3 players, one color will not be used.

The youngest player goes first, then play proceeds clockwise. On your turn you place any one of your pieces on any empty space in the center area of the board. Then you end your turn. Once a piece is placed, it may not be moved. If you can’t play a piece, then you skip your turn. Players keep placing pieces until one player gets 3 in a row, called an Otrio, then that player is the winner. If there are no more legal plays, and there still isn’t a winner, then the game ends in a tie.

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