Is Penny LA Shepard the Stranger Things's REAL Eleven???

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WTFrick LIVE Emily Menshouse and Marianne Estridge WELCOMES Penny LA Shephard to the show!!!

Penny LA Shepard aka "Agent X11" is known to be "The Real Eleven Depicted in Netflix's Stranger Things."

She was born August 11, 1958, in Hollywood, Florida, into MKULTRA'S Project Genesis. She was raised at Ives Estates in Miami Beach, Florida for 17 years. She discovered that Ives Estate was a Germanic Paperclip Project where MKULTRA experimentation was occurring.
Penny was used by the evil deep state families for covert operations as a psychic solider for espionage, cyphering, transmission of messages, sexpionage, assassinations, and other covert activities. She was genetically enhanced in utero and was forced to utilize certain psychic abilities under MKULTRA.

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