Dog's sense of smell can pick up things that can't even be seen at all

2 years ago

dogs to distinguish and remember a staggering variety of specific scents at concentrations up to 100 million timesless than what our noses can detect.If you can smell a spritz of perfume in a small room,a dog would have no trouble smelling it in an enclosed stadium and distinguishing its ingredients,to boot.And everything in the street,every passing person or car,any contents of the neighbor's trash,each type of tree,and all the birds and insects in it has a distinct odor profile telling your dog what it is, where it is,and which direction it's moving in.Besides being much more powerful than ours,a dog's sense of smell can pick up things that can't even be seen at all.A whole separate olfactory system,called the vomeronasal organ,above the roof of the mouth,detects the hormones all animals,Including humans, naturally release.

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