Tara Ross and the 17th Amendment

5 years ago

Tara Ross, in a discussion with The Ruben Report was right-on in regards to the 17th Amendment which removed the direct voice of the state legislatures in the federal government.
The powers of the state governments were relinquished when the senate was relegated to just another House of Representatives by this adoption in congress, 1913.
The framers felt it so important the selection of US Senators by the state legislatures, it was spelled out in the very first article of our Constitution. I do not recall any other section of the Constitution that was ever completely wiped away as was Section 3 of Article I.
We The People need to see this for what it is: A usurpation of the power of the states in the federal government. Whether it was intentional or not, the result had far more reaching consequences than any problems it resolved.
We need to repeal the 17th Amendment and return the direct voice in federal government to the state legislatures.
Thank you Tara for bringing this, something that few people are even aware of, into the light where it needs to be.

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