False church system exposed

2 years ago

The churches are just a money making business and that is all they are!! They don't care for God at all and the pastors many of them are false prophets!! But the members do not care, they love listening to Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer and others! Who tickle their ears and say wear a mask, get the vaccine! And support sodomites! In NYC sodomites drag queens performed inside a church building!! And everyone clapped, churches neglect the poor, the outcasts, the widows, the abused, they do not care about the broken at all and do not want them messing up their church pews and church man made traditions! The early church met in homes and helped the poor, the widows, the orphan's! They did not say to join a church building and fill out all these steps then give money to a pastor! They shared everything they had, everyone of the apostles suffered persercution!! John was put on Patmos, Thomas was killed in India, Phillip was speared to death, Matthew, Bartholomew, Jude, Peter, Paul and the rest were all killed! Christians were killed in Rome and the people laughed at them, the Catholic Church has killed so many Christians and Jews!! They killed anyone trying to write the Bible in English! They were burned on the stake, the whore Catholic Church has killed so many people and now is sexually abusing kids!! All the churches are from the mother harlot the Catholic Church, people inside act like they know God but do not, these people honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me!! The real church is those who have the Holy Spirit not in a church building!! Churches also keep all the pagan holidays like Easter, good Friday, Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Xmas Eve, Xmas, they do trunk or treat and say it is not Halloween! Yes it is, you just put good floats up but still celebrating Satan on Halloween and lying to kids and saying don't celebrate Halloween or don't talk to strangers and you put your kids on a man called Santa or the Easter bunny and say oh aren't they cute!! Who knows who is under that costume! Could be a sex offender who prey's on kids and parents are to stupid to know that!! Churches also have frozen for December and frozen is a teen girl who wants to marry a guy she just met and Ana is 16!! You want your daughter to say I will marry the first man I met it will be true love! No it will not be true love if he abused her and throws her out!! Parents are so stupid now and weak and take their kids to satanic Disney!! Come out of the churches they are all dead rotten filth inside, nothing inside at all but a bunch of rotten people who tell God we don't want you in our church! You will mess up our church traditions and it has been this way for years!! God is outside the churches not in

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