Walking by the river Thames wondering if my father is my Spirit Guide

2 years ago

This happened while having a stroll by the river Thames, it was getting dark and thoughts about spirits and afterlife started to pop up in my head, does guardian angel exist ? Do I have one ? If I have one is it my father ? I begun to imagine that he would appear in front of me to tell me how much he Loved me and that he always helped me to take the right life path, I went on with those lovely thoughts for a while till was too dark and couldn’t walk any longer.

The day after at work I received a message from my Auntie, attached a photo, it would probably be some cheerful sentences or some songs as she likes to do from time to time but when I checked the photo my heart stopped, it was a photo of my father on his grave and that was insane, my Auntie never done something like that and isn’t something would normally do and there would be no reason for her to do it, so why ? I believe that was my father that in some way guided my Auntie to take that photo, my mother doesn’t know how to use modern technology so the only person close to me that knows how to use a smartphone is her and the fact that I know she would never do something like that would help me to believe that was Dad, it was his answer to my question if he was my guardian angel.

I know we can give so many explanations to what happened but we can’t deny that it was something out of the ordinary, my skeptic mind could give any bloody scientific explanation for what happened but my soul is telling me that what happened was real, like Love is real, Apparently the trick is to rise our vibrations to such a Love level that we can be able to get in touch with them but to be able to do it we need to forget all the life distractions and live in the present moment, staying in the present is the trick to rise our frequency but even the hardest.

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