Be Alert to Your Guardian Angel

2 years ago

Be Alert to Your Guardian Angel

April 1, 2022

(Watch the Vimeo video)

Lord, the great joy of salvation is the indwelling of God Himself, we pray that You would grant this honor to those unbelievers so they can experience Your immeasurable love for them. Amen.

Blessed Mother began, "I am so pleased with your prayers which are having an impact on the worst situations, so please do not despair or slacken in your sacrifices and prayers. A time will come when fighting will cease because it has accomplished its goals. The cleansing is going on all over the earth and many souls are beyond exhaustion. Pray for these especially so they will make the right choice on their death beds.

"Pray for the conversions of the Muslims who are brutal and without mercy. Pray also for supernatural intervention for the children and innocents. Afghanistan is going through much torment and upheaval, pray also for that country, and America and Australia as well. The idea I want to get across to you is that basically, every nation on earth is in a critical situation. The New World Order is preparing to take control when the Rapture happens, pray for more time because all are not ready. I know this is something you do not want to pray for, but I promise you, what you sacrifice because of the Father's will can bear much fruit and favor with Him.-- --

"Dear children, please try to be more alert to the voice of your guardian angel. They have been trying to reach you with ideas but your minds are too cluttered. Please spend some quality time in prayer because you all do need it. Things will also go very well for you, my precious ones, and I am sending you help.-- --

"Children, always prayer first, duties second, always remember that order because you need to be equipped before you begin your daily work. I love you and am praying for you and with you."

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