Tweaking TSR's Marvel Super Heroes RPG for Low Power Characters | FASERIP House Rules

5 years ago

TSR's Marvel Super Heroes RPG is one of the best tabletop role playing games ever made, and anyone looking to run their own superhero game needs to consider using it. But in games based on our original Ascension Epoch universe, the glorious FASERIP rules need some tweaks to better fit the setting.

Join Shell and Mike as they discuss modifications to the damage system to make combat more dangerous, re-scaling the power ranks, multi-level talents, and a streamlined combat system. They also discuss why house-ruling is an essential element of Game Mastering, the best way to deal with rules lawyers, and more.

What's your favorite rule set for low powered superhero RPGs? Have any favorite FASERIP (or 4C!) house rules? Let me know in the comments.

By the way, if you love superheroes who are actually heroic and stories where stuff actually happens, be sure to check out After Dark, the first volume in our East End Irregulars series. The Irregulars are a team of teen superheroes from Pittsburgh, pitting themselves against metahuman gangsters, werecats, and mad gassers as they discover the eerie side of the city.

We also have five other books in the Ascension Epoch superhero universe you can check out here:

If you'd like to read the illustrated previews of these books online, be sure to check out our new site,

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