Penguin Comes Close For Friendly Chat With Galapagos Tour Guides

2 years ago

Penguins are usually found in the southern hemisphere, living among the ice on Antarctica. But Galapagos penguins are a unique species that thrive in the cold water currents around the Galapagos Islands.

This adorable little penguin was perched on the rocks, taking a break from fishing. Scuba dive tour guides were brining their group back from an underwater adventure when they saw an opportunity for a close look at the penguin. They brought their inflatable boat close to the rocks and imitated the call of the penguin. Amazingly, the little fellow answered back and even hobbled his way down the rocks to get closer for a chat.

The climate in the Galapagos Islands is unique, due to the convergence of three strong ocean currents. The Humboldt Current is a cold ocean current that flows into the area, lowering temperatures, and decreasing the salinity of these waters. It brings sardines, anchovies, and jack mackerels to these islands in great quantities. It is the smaller fish that the penguins feed on, allowing them to thrive in a world where they would not otherwise be able to live. Galapagos penguins are among the smallest species of penguins in the world. They are a delight for tourists and an important part of the ecosystem here. This was a heart warming moment for the divers on this boat who were able to see one of the local animals close up.

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