"My Tribute (To God Be The Glory") - Andraé Crouch & All Star Choir

2 years ago

Andraé Crouch singing "My Tribute", one of the many, many popular songs that he wrote over his lifetime, with an All Star Choir.

The All Star Choir in this video includes i(n alphabetical order of their first names):
Aaron Benward, Adrian Smith, Alex MacDougall, Alvin Fruga, Angelo Petrucci, Babbie Mason, BeBe Winans, Beverly Crawford, Billy Sprague, Bob Carlisle, Bob Farrell, Bobby Bowen, Bobby Jones, Bonnie Keen, Brian Barrett, Brian Williams, Bruce Carroll, Bryan Duncan, Clay Crosse, Damon Carter, Dana Key, Dana Reed, Danielle Rosado, Darren Humphrey, David Bach, David Ivey, Dezarria Smith, Eric Coates, Fred Hammond, Gary Oliver, Greg Long, Grover Levy, Gwen Dingle, Isaac Freeman, James Hill, James Katina, Jamie Rowe, Janet Paschal, Jeoffrey Benward, Jesse Katina, Jessica Simpson, John Katina, Joseph Katina, Joyce Hayes, Karl Ney, Kelli Reisen, Ken Holloway, Kent Humphrey, Kim Boyce, Kim Rutherford, Kim Stratton, Larry Norman, Lisa Bevill, Loren Mulraine, Marty McCall, Merry Clayton, Michael Anderson, Michael James, Michael O'Brien, Neal Coomer, O'Landa Draper, Pamela Pride, Patrick Kemp, Patti Austin, Paul Vann, Pearl Barrett, Randy Stonehill, Randy Williams, Rebecca St James, Rick Heil, Robert Hamlett, Ron Moore, Sam Katina, Schloma Brown, Serene Campbell, Spence Smith, Steve Camp, Steve Taylor, Steve Wiggins, Terri Lynn, Tommie Lewis, Tony Palacios, Tony Vincent, Tramaine Hawkins, Twila Paris, Veronica Petrucci, Vestal Goodman, Walter Settles, Wayne Watson, and Wilson Waters.

The members of this choir gave not only tribute to our Father in heaven by singing together in this choir, but gave honor and tribute to the man who wrote this song, Andraé Crouch. Such a powerful, moving arrangement that I am sure is a lifetime memory for everyone involved.



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