Puzzled About Revelation, Part 34: The Mystery of the 144,000 (Rev. 7:4-8; 14:1-5)

2 years ago

Join me this week as we continue to unpack the mystery and message of Revelation 7 by looking at one of the most confusing & controversial subjects in all of Revelation: the mysterious identity of the 144,000.
Are they Jewish male virgins that get saved at the beginning of the Tribulation and evangelize the world? Are they a special "heavenly class" of saint that rules in heaven over the great multitude of the "earthly class", as The Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witness) claims? Or is there another option?
Much of the confusion stems from the question: is the number 144,000 and the reference to "all the tribes of Israel" to be taken as LITERAL or SYMBOLIC?
We will use the principle of "Scripture interprets Scripture" to solve the puzzle. The answer is vitally important to understanding God's ways and plan for the last days!

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