Carl Gallups - Glimpses of Glory

2 years ago

My friend Carl Gallups returns to the podcast to share about his wonderful new book Glimpses of Glory.

In this incredibly unique book, you'll walk directly into the Garden of Eden - where Adam and Eve encountered the great tempter.

You'll be placed inside the ark, experiencing the horror of Noah's family as they heard the agonized cries of their neighbors, struggling in vain to survive the deluge. The anguish of our Savior will explode into intense reality as He struggles with his human emotions―and the goading of the tempter―on the night He was betrayed. And that's just the beginning of this stunning journey of biblical truth and majesty!

Glimpses of Glory makes God's love for us come alive in a riveting and biblically accurate manner!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

►Glimpses of Glory:

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