'The biggest myth about higher education' | MSU President wants you to know it's this

2 years ago

"Hi, I'm Janine Davidson and I'm the president of Metropolitan State University of Denver. And the biggest myth out there about higher education right now is that it's not affordable and that there's no return on investment. absolutely not true. Rising debt that you hear about is being driven by expensive private schools, law school, medical school. It's not your undergraduate degree. The average undergraduate degree debt for a public university like MSU Denver is only about $25,000. That's a pretty darn good investment in your future Given that you will make nearly a million dollars or more. Over the course of your career you will have better health outcomes, you will be more secure in retirement. College is worth it. And it is affordable and especially at MSU Denver." Have a different take: Share Your Opinion at thedenverchannel.com/YourOpinion. You can even send in a video of your own.

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