Processing 175 Pounds Of Tomatoes

2 years ago

Processing 175 Pounds Of Tomatoes

I did a bit of gardening, but there were too many things I had to address other than a garden. I went to a U Pick farm. The tomatoes were 12 dollars for a 25 pound box. I will do a video on how to make tomato paste a lot quicker if I get the chance this year. I’ll also do some cooking videos with the tomatoes I processed in this video. When I do I’ll link back to the appropriate video out of the three.

100 Tomatoes turned into paste

75 Tomatoes dried and stored in Olive oil.

Raspberry Chipotle BBQ Sauce

When I make this I do something to make certain I have a consistent product. If I use ground spices I don’t need to do this, but if the spices are whole such as cloves or allspice I put each amount required for one quart into the quart jar and pour the finished sauce on top. That’s something I do for many recipes. Anyway here is the recipe for one quart. If your insane like me multiply times 12. I’d suggest doing one quart and then make your personal adjustments and then make a video of it. Post link below if you do.

1 Qt
1 pint thick tomato sauce
1 cup brown sugar
½ cup cider vinegar
½ cup molasses
5 tsp ground mustard
2 tsp black pepper
3 tsp smoked salt
1 tsp garlic powder
3 tsp chipotle powder
4 Tbs tomato paste
½ tsp ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp ground alspice
1/8 tsp ground clove
1/8 tsp Raspberry extract

After you get it cooked and in the sterilized jars follow the usual instructions for water bath canning..

I’ll eventually do a video on smoked salt and homemade chipotle powder. I make my own. But haven’t made any for a while. Heading that way right now though. Even smoked paprika.

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