Reintegrative Therapy Heals Same-Sex Trauma | Dr. Joseph Nicolosi on The Dr J Show ep. 144

2 years ago

Joseph Nicolosi Jr., Ph.D. (Chicago School of Professional Psychology) is a licensed clinical psychologist, author, researcher and clinical director at The Breakthrough Clinic in Southern California. He is the founder of the Reintegrative Therapy Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and the largest counseling organization serving men with unwanted same-sex attractions.

Dr. Nicolosi has provided expert testimony in multiple legislative hearings across the United States on psychotherapy bans related to LGBT-related therapy, has appeared on network television news programs and podcasts and has written for The Federalist and the Washington Examiner.

Reintegrative Therapy:

Dr Nicolosi banned by YouTube:
YouTube bans counseling channel for 'hate speech' after 'conversion therapy' report | Fox Business

Dr Nicolosi article about being banned:

Intro video:

Slightly more technical video with a more robust scientific background to this topic:

Dr. Joseph Nicolosi op-ed which refutes Big Tech's ban of his scientifically-proven therapy methods: 
Trauma Treatment Can Alter Sexual Attractions. Big Tech Won't Let Us Talk About It. | RealClearPolicy

Dr. Paul Sullins’ research on clergy sexual abuse:

Dr. Paul Sullins on Sexual Orientation Change Efforts on The Dr J Show:

Dr Paul Sullins’ studies referred to by Dr Joseph Nicolosi:
"Efficacy and risk of sexual orientation change efforts: a retrospective analysis of 125 exposed men":
"Absence of Behavioral Harm Following Non-efficacious Sexual Orientation Change Efforts: A Retrospective Study of United States Sexual Minority Adults, 2016–2018", at

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